Ji, Deqiang


Professor Ji Deqiang

Deputy Dean of the Institute for A Community with Shared Future (ICSF)

Dr. JI Deqiang is Professor and Deputy Dean of the Institute for A Community with Shared Future at Communication University of China in Beijing. He has been serving as the Vice Chair of the International Communication Section of International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) since 2016, Program Council Member of Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (Berlin) since 2020, Commissioning Editor of Global Media and China (Sage) since 2016, and Editorial Board Member of Annals of the International Communication Association (Routledge) since 2020, etc. His research covers several interrelated fields including media and digitization, political economy of communication, and international communication. Recently, his research centers on the platformization of Chinese society driven by the complex power formation by internet giants, state agencies, and the public. His publications can be found in Chinese Journal of Communication, Media, Culture & Society, Javnost-the Public, Global Media and China, etc. He authored a monograph Digitizing China: The Political Economy of China’s Digital Switchover (2016), two edited volumes entitled Communication and Global Power Shifts (with Prof. Yuezhi Zhao, 2019), and Anti-Corruption Communication: International Perspectives (2019), and many book chapters such as the China chapter in The International History of Communication Studies (Routledge, 2016), the China Central Television chapter in China’s Media Go Global (Routledge, 2018), the ethics chapter in Contemporary BRICS Journalism: Non-Western Media in Transition (Routledge, 2017), and the China-Africa communication chapter in China and the Global Media Landscape (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), the China chapter in Reshaping the Global Communication Order? Reshaping the Global Communication Order? (Routledge2020). He has been since 2010 the editor-in-chief of ChinaMediaResearch, a leading online academic platform for Chinese media and communication studies. He was a visiting researcher at Simon Fraser University (2010-2011) and City University of Hong Kong (2009).

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