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Pak-China All-Weather Strategic Partners: Benefits of 70 years of Diplomatic Relations


Article written by Ms. Rafia Murtaza, who secured First Position in the Article Writing Competition, “Understanding Transformative Dynamics of Pakistan-China Relationship” organized by Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

Published on 29th July 2021

China and Pakistan began their diplomatic relations on 21st May 1951 and have successfully completed their 70 years of friendship. The first diplomatic visit between both countries was held in 1955. South Asia has also been serving silk routes for trade and commercial activities for China by connecting Northern and Turkish land via Pakistan. Today, this route has become a major gateway for China to reach the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf. China has introduced its largest investment in CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) through the exceptional BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) project. The Karakoram Highway in Pakistan is the most appreciated silk route ending in China has also been ranked in the world's 15 most beautiful highways of 2021. Mover, as a great partner and ally, China has also been strategically assisting Pakistan. China has always endorsed Pakistan's stance over the Kashmir issue on national and international levels, which is a clear manifestation that China and Pakistan have been partners of great extent. National interest is the first and foremost aspect that has been observed as the main element in serving diplomatic and strategic relations. In this regard, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) serves well for Pakistan and China in attaining common goals. 

CPEC is a major developmental and game-changer project. China and Pakistan have facilitated this friendship with enhanced diplomatic and economic support in contemporary times. In this aspect, the paper discusses the all-weathers relationship between decades bonded countries, China and Pakistan. Both countries have completed their 70 years of amicable relations and have harnessed trust and transparency in formulating diplomatic and strategic ties in their bilateral relations. This paper elucidates the growing cultural, diplomatic, strategic, and economic programs, highlighting the key aspects of long-lasting friendship and support in changing global political environments from 1951 till today. Certain significant factors have been discussed in this study to create a better understanding about China and Pakistan's successful 70 years of friendship.  The main addressed questions in the study are: What attracts both countries to continue their friendship as all-weather strategic partners? What policies have made the diplomatic bond stronger between China and Pakistan? What are the prospects for cooperation between both nations?

Benefits of 70 years of Diplomatic Relations:

The strategic relations between China and Pakistan have grown stronger over time. Pakistan has signed several MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding). In 2020, a significant MOU was signed that includes cooperation in multiple sectors, i.e., JWG (Joint Working Group), science, agricultural, and technology. The visionary leader, President Xi Jinping, has signed potential MOUs and agreements with Pakistan relating to trade and private investments. Under CPEC, a potential amount of capital will be invested in the Gwadar ports development and management of energy crises, including the construction of upgraded motorways and railways.

Furthermore, both countries have enhanced academic cooperation. Since the last decades, productive growth has been witnessed in research and educational collaboration between both countries.  Each year, many students visit China to pursue higher education, and a significant number of Chinese students visit Pakistan under student or cultural exchange programs. In this aspect, it is significant that Pakistani students in China should be equipped with in-depth China-knowledge and professional education. In this aspect, students after returning to Pakistan, can play a significant role to strengthen the existing cordial relations between the two nations. It can be an asset for both countries that is crucial for cultural assimilations. Through CPEC research and knowledge corridors, more opportunities can be harnessed. 


Pakistan always considers China as a friend who stood by Pakistan through every thick and thin. China and Pakistan have paved their diplomatic and strategic ties efficiently stand together by each other at every crucial time. Pakistan is much important for China as China is a greater ally for Pakistan. Both countries have successfully maintained their 70 years of amicable partnership rationally in the international arena and are willing to cooperate as better friends in future. Both the countries have paved cultural, economic, and strategic ties with each other, and prospects for cooperation in many domains are high. It is significant to mention youth programmes that both countries made possible under study or job exchange programmes. These activities and constructive engagements have motivated the bilateral projects to prosper. Thus, China and Pakistan have been Iron brothers and would remain under this prestigious status in the future with the help of their mutual understanding and amicable approach towards enhancing bilateral relations.


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