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Online International Conference on “Community with Shared Future: A Multilateral Approach to Tackling Global Challenges”


Online International Conference on “Community with Shared Future: A Multilateral Approach to Tackling Global Challenges” organized by Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

On 20th April 2021 an Online International Conference on “Community with Shared Future: A Multilateral Approach to Tackling Global Challenges” was organized by the Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China, Beijing, China. 

The conference commenced with the opening remarks of Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, Director, Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China, Beijing. 

He briefly explained the concept of Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future. Discussing the topic of the conference he stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has turned out to be the biggest challenge of the century, and for resolving this challenge all countries had to work together. 

Prof. Dr. Shabir Ahmed, Director, Area Study Center (Russia, China, Central Asia), University of Peshawar, Pakistan discussed community with a shared future as an inclusive approach to tackling global challenges. 

He stated that the world is faced with many traditional and nontraditional challenges like poverty, class difference between the haves and have nots and pandemics, etc. A single entity or any two institutions can't deal with these challenges. 

There is a need for a multilateral approach, inclusive growth, and global unity to deal with these challenges. He also suggested making partnerships with mutual respect's sovereignty and protecting each other in terms of security. He concluded by mentioning that China has always denied global hegemony and has advocated for peaceful co-existence among all countries through its idea of community with a shared future. 

Dr. Mussawar Hussain Bukhari, Chairman, Political Science Department, Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB) discussed Conflict Resolution as a prerequisite for building a Community with Shared Future. 

He discussed that community with a shared future is not a new concept it started from the league of nations and then the United Nations. He emphasized that we saw this system fail during the second world war, and it gave us a lesson that humanity is the origin of all development, if humanity and people are safe then you can develop systematic growth. 

Commenting on the Belt and Road initiative, he stated more than 60% of the global population will be impacted through this project. All of these people are facing similar problems including climate change, terrorism, and poverty. BRI is an initiative to deal with these problems collectively with enhanced economic integration. Furthermore, this will also make way for the dialogue of civilization as opposed to the clash of civilizations. 

Dr. PEK Chuen Khee, Eugene, Dean, Faculty of Business and Management, UCSI University and CEO, UCSI Poll Research Centre discussed that how the idea of “Community with Shared Future” can contribute to improved Global Governance.

Dr. Pek highlighted China focuses on five pillars of the community and global governance including Politics, development, security, culture, and most importantly the environment. He emphasized that China has always supported democracy in the world and negated the idea of a hegemon state or government. Moreover, China also advocates for equality that allows equal voices from all countries of the world. 

Discussing the idea of security he mentioned that a community with a shared future proposes to solve conflicts by dialogue supported by the United Nations and the Security Council. Lastly, the environment is one of the most important pillars to reform global governance. He also suggested to co-create technologies to fight climate change and to promote community with a shared future for stronger governance. 

Mr. Wanjun Chu, Doctor of Philosophy, Institute for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China discussed the need for trans-institutional solutions to Global Challenges.

The main focus of his remarks was the inclusion of technology and innovation in solving global challenges. By presenting the idea of dealing with global pandemic COVID-19 he suggested science and technology informed trans-instructional solutions and multi-stakeholder partnerships and cross, disciplinary collaborations. He mentioned the example of patrol robots that were deployed in airports and public places in China, these robots used facial recognition and thermal cameras to identify potentially infected people. He recommended ensuring universal access to research and technology-based expertise and tools, especially for developing countries. 

Mr. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay, Member Board of Advisors, Center for Global Strategic Studies (CGSS) discussed Community with Shared Future as an Inclusive Approach to achieving SDGs.

He briefly discussed the idea of a community with a shared future and its relevance with the Sustainable development goals of the United Nations. He highlighted that this concept is built on the idea that everyone has equal opportunities in its true sense. The initiatives taken by the Belt and Road projects have given hope that global challenges can be solved by a collective approach. Mr. Shakeel further compared SDGs and the initiatives of BRI and how they are helping countries achieve various crises, it is estimated that through the Belt and Road initiative 32 billion people will come out of poverty globally. He further highlighted that SDGs related to infrastructure development, energy, employment, and global connectivity are also being achieved by the concept of a community with a shared future.  

Mr. Tewodros Girma Abebe, Minister Counsellor, Ethiopian Embassy in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania discussed Community with Shared Future and the need to improve Security Governance.

He discussed the Nile river and its basins and stated that this river crosses 11 African countries and these countries are home to people who are living in rural areas without the supply of clean drinking water and energy. The region is water-deprived because of poor water management and this chronic water scarcity is endangering human security. This requires an immediate demand of management and review for the security of the entire community. 

He emphasized that under the concept of community with a shared future the countries must be focusing on securing the future of underdeveloped countries through effective governance policies, multilateral approach, and new water-sharing policies. 

The conference was moderated by Ms. Palwasha Nawaz, Deputy Director, Pakistan Research center for a Community with Shared Future. The conference was attended by 50 participants and was also viewed live on social media platforms by 200 viewers. 

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