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President Xi's Vision of Integrated World Order



Research Intern at ‘International Online Internship Program, CGSS-Communication University China (Beijing), China’

The Global political order is directed by major world powers. The 21st-century politics has seen an immense role of rising China as a key regional player. Besides the menace of multiple security threats and terrorism that drew the century's political order, China remained adherent to extending its soft power in the international arena. The country’s leadership juxtaposed international economic development and internal peace in lines with reshaping the world's political agenda. Provided with the fact that China as a country passed through an unprecedented political journey of extreme isolation to global openness, it has set a clear example of development and progress of the international community. Xi Jinping has emerged as a leader to further China's way to national rejuvenation. The vision orbits around conserving the national interests with equal participation in global affairs. The famous Belt and Road Initiative has translated Xi's aims in transnational economic development. Leaving behind the conventional Western hegemonic stance, Xi's policy triangulates the sovereignty, security, and development process ensuring mutual regional and collective continental benefits. In support of the calculation of game theorists, this leadership's vision promises a win-win denouement by considering alliances. Xi Jinping's strategic leadership is directed to assist the international community amidst the global and regional challenges of the war on terror. It reflected well with Xi's speech at 2017's World Economic Forum when the leader formally proclaimed the noteworthy role of globalization and China's commitment to reassess the world order beyond the reliance. on hegemonic power status. In consolidation to Xi's aims and carrying the 2030 vision further, China has closed the last year by signing 197 agreements with some 137 countries and 30 global organizations.


China's participation in the plethora of global institutions has reset the political order from mere owning international governance to leading the multilateral regimes. As the greatest global economy, China has advanced an inordinate level of the common good in full binding to the international enforcement mechanisms. The recent regional victory titled ASEAN has become a successful reflection for all other international organizations such as the UN and EU. Sino-ASEAN relations have revamped the historical cringes while sorting out regional conflicts, enhancing the collective capacity building of states, introducing the sentiment of one identity, and improving the confidence-building measures. Moreover, this platform has positively fetched China and East Asian Nations for resolving the South China Sea political perplexes military modernization and trade growth. Another cooperative gridlock is the global Belt and Road Initiative that has promised multifold economic advancement while creating a myriad of human resources. BRI has aimed to take 61% of the world population onboard along with merging the GDP of $29 trillion in a total of all the countries involved. Exploring BRI aims to comprehend the fact that it has covered the contemporary. domains of economy, community, and environment while bolstering infrastructural development and communication. As a great powerplay of foreign direct investment (FDI), BRI has paid a huge contribution in transforming the low polities sphere to the high politics matters by addressing politics with economics. 

Notwithstanding the political turbulence of 2010 amid global terrorism, especially for the South Asian states, China continued in its strategic foreign policy execution by strengthening bilateral ties with neighbors. An exemplary reflection would be China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) a tier of China's grand OBOR (One Belt One Road Initiative) proposed to uplift China-Pakistan relations. This initiative underpins China's redefined and a bigger role in global affairs, termed as China's global push. It also hints at China's over production strategy and a lead role in the manufacturing sector. Pakistan is made a partner by China in this new silk route initiative since China has announced projects of 46 billion titled China Pakistan Economic Corridor. It would overplay the role of Pakistan in the regional security calculus and would assert Pakistan's robust position in global affairs. Expected to reach the heights of $72 billion in the coming years, this corridor would prove to be a regional game changer as well as challenging the Indian hegemony while taking Pak-China friendship to another level.


From a street vendor to a business elite, Chinese professional identity touches common as it becomes the matter of QR code. An opinionated vision simplifies that the coming political reshaping of the globe is by military deterrence on the ground but by cyber triumph and technology advancement. An outsider landing in Beijing does not get intimidated by a contrasting lifestyle or different language rather its the robot that welcomes. China's leap over, converting to 5G wireless technology left a cut-throat impression at the global crossroads. The era has yet entered the political digitalization marking a new order. The invention although aggravated the Beijing and Washington power friction, but the results showed that the former is now able to shadow the latter. Huawei is the top distributor brought out as a game-changer non-state actor in terms of reaching the cyber apex. The world thus invented another power factor for balancing the global poles or even exceeding them.


Conclusively, the modern perception about China must acknowledge the fact that there are primarily three fac-tors determining the shape of the new political order. China's regional governance, global economic development, and sporadic technology advancement are the contributing factors towards welcoming China as the next super-power. Although, it seems an early calculation yet the coming era would demand more integration towards achieving common goals, which China aims to pursue.

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