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President Xi Jinping: A Great Statesman


By Mr.   Khalid Taimur Akram, Executive Director Center for Global & Strategic   Studies (CGSS),   Islamabad&

Director, Pakistan Research Center for a   Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China (Beijing),   China

With a history dating back more than 5,000 years, China has made an indelible contribution to human civilization. Chinese President, His Excellency Xi Jinping, has become the most influential and dynamic leader in the world. He has a forward-looking vision and is committed to work tirelessly. Under his leadership, China has become the most powerful country in the world. President Xi is committed to make China a great nation and enhance cooperation among countries. The world has admired his prudent and successful policy models. He leads the Communist Party of China (CPC) into a new journey and era of cooperation and success. President Xi’s policies for poverty alleviation, anti-corruption, and structural reforms are worth admiring. He has won the hearts of people with his people-centric approach. President Xi Jinping often visits farms, farmers' houses, small eateries, supermarkets, factories, hospitals, and schools to obtain primary information about people's livelihood. Due to his effective policies and strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic, China has settled a great precedent to curtail dreadful implications of the virus on people’s livelihood and health.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has demonstrated a distinctive leadership style. The landmark speech at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in Beijing on July 1, 2021, showed that the party under his leadership would be involved in “this great struggle, great project, great cause, and great dream”. He has entirely transformed the Chinese governance system by ensuring transparency, accountability, justice, and a strong vision. This reflects national rejuvenation by overcoming hurdles.

President Xi Jinping: An Ideal for Strengthening the Party (CPC)

The CPC has been China's ruling party for 100 years now. These hundred years have been a period of dramatic change, enormous productive forces, social transformation unprecedented in scale, and huge advances in human civilization. Presently, President Xi is the core of the party’s leadershipHis strong leadership core made the CPC to unify the entire Party's will or build solidarity and unity among people of all ethnic groups. During its endeavours over the past century, the CPC has developed a great spirit and carried it forward, upholding truth and ideals, staying true to its founding mission, fighting without fear of danger, and meeting the people's expectations.

In October 2017, President Xi Jinping thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It was officially instituted at the 19th CPC National Congress. The thought was enshrined in the CPC Constitution and China's Constitution. President Xi believes that rejuvenation requires both strategic design and hard work. He took the lead by being a man of action and made the CPC most influential and strong party in the realm of political, economic and international affairs. The CPC has striven to serve the people and won their support and endorsement. It represents the fundamental interests of all the Chinese, and everything it does is to realize, safeguard and advance their interests. Meeting the people's expectation for a better life is its goal.

The CPC works in the service of the people. It trusts and relies on the people and mobilizes them to fight for their interests. It follows the mass line, a principle of from the people, to the people’’. Under President Xi’s leadership, the CPC rose and grew strong.

TheChinese Communist Partyhas shown great resilience and a unique ability to adapt to changing domestic and global situations. Everything the CPC has done in revolution, reconstruction, and reform is designed to ensure a good life for the people. Over the past century, China has undergone tremendous changes turning itself from a poor and war-torn country into a dynamic and prosperous one. It is now one of the world's important economies, growing in strength and international standing.

The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI):

His Excellency President Xi Jinping is popular for his robust initiatives in connecting countries. Due to his conducive policies, China has been facilitating countries worldwide in many domains. The economy is the key pillar of any state’s progress. This key motivation encouraged China to facilitate other ally countries by providing them with significant aid, investment opportunities, and projects for sustainable economic development. In this aspect, China has set a great example by starting the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) that connects more than eighty countries and comprises six major corridors.In 2013, President Xi put forward the strategic framework of reviving the Old Silk Road and its counterpart ‘’21st Century Maritime Silk Road’’. It is a modern reinvention that emphasizes mutual trust, rejuvenation, quality, inclusiveness, mutual learning, and win-win cooperation. BRI has far-reaching strategic significance with a global impact. Beijing has begun to advocate a greater and influential role in international order because of BRI and many other projects for inclusive economic development. This all become possible because of the far-sightedness of His Excellency President Xi Jinping.

President Xis Initiatives for Facilitating Countries Across the Globe:

Vaccine diplomacy during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is another manifestation of China helping other countries. China has provided vaccine aid and medical support to more than 45 countries.Disseminating such a large number of vaccines across the globe by the Chinese government is beneficial world widely. It is anticipated that China will enhance its decisive role to inoculate a large part of the world’s population by the end of this year.The Chinese leadership has ensured that all economies and people stay protected from the devastating implications of the virus. President Xi Jinping believes that wars or confrontations are not the solution to resolve differences. However, a peaceful dialogue and negotiation would pave the way for mutual understating, respect, and cooperation.

President Xis Grand Visions in Transforming Socio-economic Dynamics:

China is committed to enhance socio-economic and cultural cooperation among countries. His Excellency President Xi Jinping’s contributions to world peace and development cannot be overlooked. In this aspect, new perspectives like dialogue of civilizations and building a community with shared future have emerged as profound development in international relations and main pillars of Belt & Road Initiatives. The world is no longer unipolar. It has become multipolar with diverse civilizational patterns. Therefore, China believes that respecting each other’s cultures is significant while adapting to emerging trends. The Chinese leadership is committed to engage states in a meaningful dialogue process to resolve their disputes and conflicts. Humanity desperately needs dialogue to maintain peaceful co-existence and survival. For this, dialogue of civilization paves the way for nations to integrate at one platform, indulge in a comprehensive negotiating process, and resolve common challenges. Likewise, the vision of a community with a shared future also provides a conducive way for countries to combat common threats. Today, the world is amid many common threats, i.e., emerging Non-traditional Security Challenges that call for joint efforts and solutions. In this aspect, all countries must strive towards a better future without disputes and differences. No doubt, President Xi is the true face of rising China.Hewill solidify his leadership and present his ideas to enhance cooperation. His role as China’s head has garnered immense global attention.His great contribution towards humanity and effective conduct of statecraft is worth praising.

Edited by ICSF CUC.

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