Politicizing Sports: American Belligerence towards Beijing Olympics 2022


By Ms. Maryam Raza, Deputy Director,

Pakistan Research Center for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China (Beijing), China

The importance of sports in nation-building and developing relations with other countries cannot be overlooked. Sports and Olympics have been source of joyful activity, happiness, and success. Sport is a unique source for the people to express emotions and engagements. China is the host of upcoming biggest international sports event Beijing Olympics 2022’’. In this aspect, China has introduced various measures to incentivize winter sports businesses to invest in the region. From grand infrastructure development to allocating a budget of $3.9 billion, China is determinate to organize Beijing Olympics successfully. The recent achievements demonstrate the dynamic approach of Chinese leadership in integrating countries through multiple effective means. Winter Olympics provides a great opportunity for athletes globally to participate and engage in constructive engagement and games. On the contrary, the U.S. is still engulfed with a pessimistic approach. Unfortunately, some western countries, especially, America have started politicizing sports. The U.S. not only boycotted from Beijing Olympics 2022 but is also indulged in launching hostile campaigns against sports. The USA, along with its allies, is trying to use human rights abuse/violation as a false façade to malign China. However, a diplomatic boycott amid the American partisan political approach cannot harm the anticipated success of the Beijing Olympics. West’s hostile propaganda will not prevent athletes all across the globe from participating in the 2022 Olympics. The international prestige of China will always remain intact despite American sabotaging moves.

Pan-American Nationalist Approach:

The titanic of American false propaganda has already collapsed with an iceberg. The world has witnessed failed American democratic model and flawed policies. From the Covid-19 conspiracy and G-7-led B3W to weaponizing sports, American narratives only reflect hostility and divergence. In this era, when countries are finding new avenues for cooperation, the U.S. has been continuously indulged in operating hostile propaganda against China. It has been trying to achieve its vicious motives through coercive means and negative rhetoric. President Biden used the false cover of ‘’Uyghur Muslims as being abused in China’’ to boycott from winter Olympics. However, one should not forget the history of the West or America as they had colonized Asian-African countries and plundered resources. The imprints of their barbaric acts and tyrannies are visible till now. They do not care about Muslims anywhere in the world. Islamophobia has been rooted from the west and discrimination with Muslims has widen its tentacles now. Due to this, Muslims have been facing multidimensional challenges in these pessimistic societies.Racial discrimination or biasness towards minorities in America is another factual aspect that was explicitly demonstrated with the killing of George Floyd in 2020. His last words, ‘I can’t breathe’, became the slogan of the movement in the U.S. where Black people are still struggling to achieve justice and human rights.


Summit For Democracy or Hypocrisy?

The U.S. always claimed itself a pioneer of a robust democratic structure. However, it has remained failed to apply the actual spirit and essence of democracy. A profound systematic ambiguity prevails in failed American democratic model. Rooted from the capitalistic characteristics, U.S. imprecise policies have unveiled the true face of a dysfunctional administration in the form of its misadventures. For example, Iraq and Afghanistan situation. American politics is a rich man game influenced by a capitalistic approach outrightly. Thus, the Democracy summit entrenched with American partisan politics has failed to integrate countries. By not inviting China to the summit, the hypocrisy of America is visible. Many countries worldwide have been criticizing America for its belligerence towards China and boycotted the summit. The unconditional trust and support on China from states globally have disturbed America and the west. Thus, the U.S. has been sponsoring/igniting false propaganda. American capitalist elite group in power wanted to have a silver lining for its crisis and failures under Democracy Summit. However, it again turned out to be a grand failure for the polarized administration. Democracy in Washington is under siege and facing many challenges, i.e., social media surveillance, capitalism, and autocratic meddling.The USA cannot implement democratic norms domestically and failed to provide equity for its people. On the other side, China is not a democracy for a few people or interest groups, but for the majority of people as a whole. Thus, by staging a shameful democracy show, Washington has provoked confrontation and division. This so-called manipulative ‘’Summit for Democracy’’ will only go down in history as a saboteur of democracy.


The global dynamics have been changed with transforming developments, and Washington must realize it. Its foreign policy exhibits complete paralysis primarily in two aspects: One, the inability to set clear priorities and stick to them. Second is a tendency to proclaim lofty goals and then fail to deliver on them. Moreover, America has lost its best position to lead because of its manipulative values and the core of U.S. politics has been damaged. Demoralizing Beijing Winter Olympics through vicious means can never impact China’s international image and success. The U.S. must learn from its failures and act vigilantly to revitalize trust, harmony, and global cooperation. Pakistan has also strongly condemned the American hypocrisy summit and propaganda to malign the 2022 winter Olympics. Pakistan has appreciated and extended its support for the Beijing winter Olympics along with disseminating the true image and significance of winter sports through positive media coverage. In a nutshell, China has been enhancing its global outreach by connecting countries and providing opportunities to cooperate in many fields, including sports. The leadership is aware of

all tactics and formulated a strong policy with a wise approach to counter any anti-Chinese propaganda. China is not wasting time on baseless propaganda and striving to make the biggest event of the year successful by every means.

Edited by ICSF CUC.

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