Peace, Cooperation and Rejuvenation: President Xi Jinping’s Aspirations for 2022


By Mr. Khalid Taimur Akram, 

Executive Director Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS),   Islamabad

Director, Pakistan Research Center for a   Community with Shared Future, 

Communication University of China (Beijing),   China

The year 2021 brought landmark events with immense economic development, robust initiatives and achievements for China. Throughout the year, the resilient Chinese nation has worked hard and achieved the desired goals.China is the world’s first nation that has not only revived its economy during the Covid-19 pandemic but also helped 120 countries and international organizations with vaccination and medical aid. Moreover, China has also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The successful performance and accomplishments of CPC are worth praising. The world has seldom witnessed revolutionary movements and regimes that completely changed the landscape and scope in a short span of time. The Communist Party of China, formed in 1921, can aptly be considered as a true model of excellence for the last hundred years.These hundred years have been a period of dramatic change – enormous productive forces unleashed, social transformation unprecedented in scale, and huge advances in human civilization. Under the dynamic and prudent leadership of His Excellency President Xi Jinping, China has set out a new voyage of building a modern socialist state in all aspects for the year 2022. The country is making confident strides on the path towards the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

President Xi’s Successful Conduct of Statecraft vis-à-vis CPC:

Robust leadership comes from sound leadership, sound leadership comes from rational policymaking. For a party as large as the CPC, policymaking is its lifeline. President Xi, as the core of the party, has established sound guidelines. This has enabled China to carry out its work in a well-organized and systematic manner. President Xi Jinping has succeeded in devising the right policies based on an accurate analysis of domestic and international developments. In this aspect, the Chinese nation has rational guidelines to follow. The Chinese people have enjoyed tangible benefits, and the entire nation has forged a strong synergy to pursue shared dreams and aspirations. In today’s complex world, China has always championed justice, peace, democracy and multilateralism while opposing war, unilateralism and hegemony. To meet the desired targets, President Xi has been playing a proactive role. His successful conduct of statecraft and grand narratives to integrate countries have made him the most popular leader in the world.In this aspect, the Chinese leadership has provided significant ideas for promoting global peace, i.e.,

ØThe five principles of peaceful coexistence

ØThe independent foreign policy of peace and nonalignment

ØA harmonious world of lasting peace and prosperity

ØA global community with a shared future for mankind and dialogue among civilizations

ØA new model of international relations and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

New Aspirations for 2022: Peace, Cooperation, and Rejuvenation

The commitments or pledges by dynamic Chinese leadership for transformation have been expected to achieve milestones in 2022. President Xi has given a positive message in his new year speech as well. His message and vision reflect China’s quest for rejuvenation, global peace and cooperation, characterized by socialism.

The visionary Chinese leadership fully understands its international responsibility. In this new year, China will renew its commitments to its people and the world and continue with its development confidently and resolutely. China aspires to be a complete carbon-neutral state by 2060. Therefore, it will enhance its efforts towards eco-environment investment and implement green and sustainable policies in 2022. Economic sustainability, technological transformation, infrastructure development, Covid recovery and many other progressive outcomes are the clear manifestations of China moving in the right direction. The major aim is to give a new impetus to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a new era. This reflects the common will of China for advancing the cause of the CPC and the country in the new era and for driving forward the grand process of national rejuvenation.

Moreover, China will pursue cooperation rather than confrontation, opening up rather than isolation, and mutual benefits rather than the zero-sum game. It will oppose hegemony and power politics and contribute to building a global community of shared future and a better world. In this regard, China will surely make a greater contribution to humanity. In 2022, China's resolution remains unyielding toward carrying through its commitments of building a community with a shared future for mankind. In the changing realm of international relations and global politics, China has emerged as a leader to integrate countries to solve the common menaces, i.e., climate change, Carbon emission and others. The global issues call for global solutions and cooperation. In this regard, China has also been cooperating and assisting other countries in tackling these grave menaces together. It reflects the common values of humanity and finds the greatest common ground to build a better world. Thus, it is imperative to follow successful Chinese model characterized by cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, resilience, cultural integration, mutual learning, and mutual benefit.


Edited by the Institute for a Community with Shared Future, CUC

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