The Concept of Community with Shared Future: Imperative for Harmonizing the World


By Prof. Dr. Shabir Ahmad Khan, Head of Program, Community with Shared Future, 

Pakistan Research Centre for a Community with Shared Future, 

Communication University of China, Beijing, China 

Vice President (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Region), CGSS

Today, the world has achieved significant developments in all walks of life. However, these achievements and developments are evenly balanced by miseries, violence, hunger, poverty, and turbulence for humankind at the global level. The world economic and political system is based on capitalism which is exploitative in nature that is why humanity is suffering from hunger in some parts of the world while there is unlimited wealth and limitless luxuries in other parts of the globe. The world is producing more than enough, however, the fault lies in its skewed distribution due to exploitation. This Capitalist based system of the world transfers the perils of Capitalism to the under-developed states in exchange for best resources. In this era of disharmony, the Concept of Community with Shared Future for Humankind (the Concept hereafter) urges the states and societies to work collectively to overcome the common challenges to develop and establish a fair, equitable and harmonized world.

The concept addresses overall global challenges faced by humanity under its four key components, i.e., Economy, Politics, Culture and Security. In the realm of Economics, the Concept put forward a win-win cooperation between states that promises shared, just and evenhanded development as well as affluence for all. In the field of Politics, the Concept is against conflicts and Cold War mentality for a zero-sum game where one gets everything at the expense of others. At the same time, the Concept advocates sovereign equality and dignity of all states irrespective of size, wealth or strength and no country has the right to dominate and intervene in other states’ internal affairs. Therefore, all the countries need to resolve issues whenever arise through dialogue and consultation. The Cultural aspect of the Concept proposes cultural exchanges for the sake of learning as well as respect for other cultures. The world is full of diverse and multiple cultures and all need to be respected to create harmony in diversity. According to the Chinese President Xi Jinping, “Civilizations differ only in identity and location. The diversity of civilizations should not be a source of global conflict rather diversity should be an engine driving the advancement of human civilization”. In the sphere of Security, the concept advocates that each country has to share responsibility as well as benefits of comprehensive and sustainable security to build a safe, secure and beautiful world for the humankind.

The Concept is thus structurally a comprehensive and all-inclusive multilayer vision of global governance for a harmonized peaceful world. The significance of the Concept can be judged from the fact that it has been incorporated in both the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and in the constitution of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The Concept opposes the idea of hegemony in world affairs while building a shared future makes the core of the Concept to address the challenges of security and development faced by humankind. The Concept revolves around the central idea that all the stakeholders in their respective fields world over should work together for shared prosperity as the joy of sharing is unparalleled in human history. No joy and satisfaction can match the joy and satisfaction achieved through sharing something good at least a smile with other human-beings, what to talk of prosperity.

The Concept urges the world community to settle their conflicts through peaceful means and mutual consultation and the focus must be improving the living conditions of humanity globally. The Concept places the welfare of humanity at the core of international relations as opposed to materialism as a focus of human exploitation. Humankind is facing conflicts, poverty, hunger, pollution, and oppression globally. Instead of just analyzing these issues, the Concept proposes solutions to these problems through transformation from a zero-sum game to a win-win cooperation, from alienation to inclusiveness, from confrontation to peaceful coexistence and from hunger, poverty and miseries to shared prosperity and common development. The Concept carries the influence of and is based on the principles of Confucianism. A virtuous individual would not only work for his/her own prosperity but seek to share and extend own prosperity to others as it is based on the purpose of the human soul, i.e., to serve, protect and help other human beings. The Concept derives its core from the principles and teachings of Religion Islam as well. The Holy Prophet Mohammad, Peace Be Upon Him, says that the ‘’Best amongst humans is one who benefits other human beings’’. The Concept has thus enshrined the values and principles from East and West and therefore better serves humanity while addressing the current challenges humanity faces through collective and joint efforts. So, the Concept manifests China’s desire to share the fruits of its economic rise with other nations world over. 

The Concept advocates settling disputes through dialogue and mutual consultation because peace achieved in partnerships is sustainable than enforced through military means or alliances or coercion. The concept also advocates a sustainable eco-system for the future for humankind with green, low-carbon emission reduction and holistic development. The President of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Xi Jinping in his statement at the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly on 28th September 2015 mentioned that:

 The World is doing well China will also do well and vice-versa…. China will continue to implement the win-win strategy of opening up, share its best practices and development opportunities with other countries and welcome them aboard the fast train of China’s development”.

With the economic rise, China is getting ready to assume a more responsible role at the regional and global levels to foster a favorable environment for common development. Security and development of states are closely interlinked in the contemporary era and accordingly the fortunes and future. China has always maintained that great powers must shoulder greater responsibility to make the world more peaceful, harmonized and prosper. That is the reason the Chinese Concept of Community with Shared Future for Humankind has received worldwide recognition and respect. A practical manifestation of the Concept has been the BRI through which China is developing inter and intra-regional connectivity infrastructure to fill the infrastructure gap for common development. Connectivity has been termed as the arms race of the 21st century and if it is so then, China is winning it through win-win cooperation. China has made it clear that China’s role and contribution to peace and development at regional and global levels are defined and guided by the Concept for shared prosperity.

Edited by the Institute for a Community with Shared Future, CUC

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